Journal & Conference Papers

  1. JACH’25

    The Effects of Proximal and Distal Forms of Stress on College Student Mental Health and Affective Well-being
    Katie M Spink, Han Zhang, Paula S Nurius, Katherine Seldin, Yiyi Ren, and Kate T Foster
    Accepted to Journal of American College Health, 2025.
  2. CHI’25

    Towards AI-driven Sign Language Generation with Non-manual Markers.
    Han Zhang, Rotem Shalev-Arkushin, Vasileios Baltatzis, Connor Gillis, Gierad Laput, Raja Kushalnagar, Lorna Quandt, Leah Findlater, Abdelkareem Bedri, and Colin Lea
    In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2025.
  3. GetMobile’24

    GLOBEM: Cross-Dataset Generalization of Longitudinal Human Behavior Modeling
    Xuhai Xu, Xin Liu, Han Zhang, Weichen Wang, Subigya Nepal, Yasaman S Sefidgar, Woosuk Seo, Kevin S Kuehn, Jeremy F Huckins, Margaret E Morris, Paula S Nurius, Eve A Riskin, Shwetak Patel, Tim Althoff, Andrew T Campbell, Anind K Dey, and Jennifer Mankoff
    GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, 2024.
  4. CHI’24

    RASSAR: Room Accessibility and Safety Scanning in Augmented Reality
    Xia Su, Han Zhang, Kaiming Cheng, Jaewook Lee, Qiaochu Liu, Wyatt Olson, and Jon E Froehlich
    In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024.
  5. IMWUT’23

    GLOBEM: cross-dataset generalization of longitudinal human behavior modeling
    Xuhai Xu, Xin Liu, Han Zhang, Weichen Wang, Subigya Nepal, Yasaman Sefidgar, Woosuk Seo, Kevin S Kuehn, Jeremy F Huckins, Margaret E Morris, Paula S Nurius, Eve A Riskin, Shwetak Patel, Tim Althoff, Andrew T Campbell, Anind K Dey, and Jennifer Mankoff
    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2023.
    🏆 Distinguished Paper
  6. JACH’23

    Distress among undergraduates: Marginality, stressors and resilience resources
    Paula S Nurius, Yasaman S Sefidgar, Kevin S Kuehn, Jake Jung, Han Zhang, Olivia Figueira, Eve A Riskin, Anind K Dey, and Jennifer C Mankoff
    Journal of American College Health, 2023.
  7. NeurIPS’22

    GLOBEM dataset: multi-year datasets for longitudinal human behavior modeling generalization
    Xuhai Xu, Han Zhang, Yasaman Sefidgar, Yiyi Ren, Xin Liu, Woosuk Seo, Jennifer Brown, Kevin Kuehn, Mike Merrill, Paula Nurius, Shwetak Patel, Tim Althoff, Margaret E Morris, Eve A Riskin, Jennifer Mankoff, and Anind Dey
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022.
  8. TACCESS’22

    Impact of online learning in the context of COVID-19 on undergraduates with disabilities and mental health concerns
    Han Zhang, Margaret Morris, Paula Nurius, Kelly Mack, Jennifer Brown, Kevin Kuehn, Yasaman Sefidgar, Xuhai Xu, Eve Riskin, Anind Dey, and Jennifer Mankoff
    ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 2022.
  9. PLOS ONE’21

    College from home during COVID-19: A mixed-methods study of heterogeneous experiences
    Margaret E Morris, Kevin S Kuehn, Jennifer Brown, Paula S Nurius, Han Zhang, Yasaman S Sefidgar, Xuhai Xu, Eve A Riskin, Anind K Dey, Sunny Consolvo, and Jennifer Mankoff
    PloS one, 2021.
  10. IMACC’17

    Improvement on minimum distance of symbol-pair codes
    Han Zhang
    In Cryptography and Coding: 16th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2017, Oxford, UK, December 12-14, 2017, Proceedings 16, 2017.
Workshop Papers, Posters, and Pre-prints

  1. Preprint’24

    Illuminating the Unseen: A Framework for Designing and Mitigating Context-induced Harms in Behavioral Sensing
    Han Zhang, Vedant Das Swain, Leijie Wang, Nan Gao, Yilun Sheng, Xuhai Xu, Flora D Salim, Koustuv Saha, Anind K Dey, and Jennifer Mankoff
    Pre-print, 2024.
  2. UbiComp’23

    A framework for designing fair ubiquitous computing systems
    Han Zhang, Leijie Wang, Yilun Sheng, Xuhai Xu, Jennifer Mankoff, and Anind K Dey
    In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing, 2023.
  3. ASSETS’23

    A Demonstration of RASSAR: Room Accessibility and Safety Scanning in Augmented Reality
    Xia Su, Kaiming Cheng, Han Zhang, Jaewook Lee, Wyatt Olson, and Jon E Froehlich
    In Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2023.
  4. ASSETS’22

    Towards Semi-automatic Detection and Localization of Indoor Accessibility Issues using Mobile Depth Scanning and Computer Vision
    Xia Su, Kaiming Cheng, Han Zhang, Jaewook Lee, and Jon E Froehlich
    Pre-print, 2022.
For a list of my previous mathematics publications, please refer to my CV.